Monday, March 8, 2010

Think you're healthy? There's a pill for that.

"We won't stop being sick until we stop making ourselves sick...There is a point where even the most universal government health program can't help you. They can't outlaw unhealthy food, or alcohol or cigarettes...Because you see, the government isn't your nanny. They're your dealer. And they subsidize illness in America. They have to. There's too much money in it.  You see, there is no money in healthy people. And there's no money in dead people. The money is in the middle. People who are alive (sort of) but with one or more chronic condition that puts them in need of Celebrex or Nasonex or Valtrex or Lunesta. Fifty years ago, children didn't get type II diabetes, and now it's an emerging epidemic. As are a long list of ailments, which used to be rare, and have now been mainstreamed. Things like asthma, autism, acid reflux, arthritis, allergies, adult acne, ADD. And that's just the A's. Doesn't anybody wonder why we live with all this illness? ...There are ads that love to say 'When diet and exercise fail...' Well, diet and exercise don't fail. A fact brought home last week by a new Duke University study that showed  that exercise, yes, exercise, is just as effective a cure for depression as Paxil and Zoloft. So ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you."
-BILL MAHER, comedian 

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